vendredi 27 décembre 2013

ADTPro 1.2.9

L'excellent logiciel de transfert de disquettes entre un ordinateur moderne (PC, Mac,..) et un Apple II vient de sortir en version 1.2.9.

Voila l'historique des versions 2013 :

1.2.9 - December 25, 2013

New functionality:

[Client] Disk II drives turn on a little early to reduce spin-up delay

Bug fixes:
Nibble sends work correctly in batch mode
[Client] Nibble sends retry (more) correctly
[VDrive] Virtual disks are loaded once at initialization time, making it much faster for huge drives (but much less dynamic)
[VDrive] Serial driver installer quits to where it came from, allowing an invocation from the launcher to return there, this time with the driver in place.

1.2.8 - July 9, 2013

New functionality:
[VDrive] Added the ability to serve a second virtual drive
Restricted most opportunities to change baud rates from defaults

Bug fixes:
[Server] Severe slowdown on bootstrapping under Windows was cured by removing what should have been a harmless yielding of the CPU.

1.2.7 - April 18, 2013

New functionality:
[VDrive] Added the ability to bootstrap into ProDOS with VSDrive active
[Server] Added a command-line invoker for AppleCommander

Bug fixes:
[Server] 5-1/4" disk images with unrecognized filesystems are always written with DOS-ordered physical interleaving
[Server] Start the numerical part of batch name at 1, not 0; reset the counter when a batch name changes

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