dimanche 18 mars 2012

Stella 3.6 - Emulateur ATARI VCS 2600

Allez une petite mise à jour de cet excellent émulateur. Que dit le menu du 16 mars ?

"Stella release 3.6 for Linux, MacOS X and Windows is now available.

  • Added support for 2600-daptor II device, including native support for 7800 controllers, BoosterGrip and Keypad controllers. Special thanks go to Tom Hafner for a complimentary test sample of this device, and also for donating a BoosterGrip controller.
  • Added ability to dynamically swap the port order of Stelladaptor/ 2600-daptor devices with the 'Control-1' key combo (useful if you have only one 2600-daptor and want to use it as a left port normally, but as a right port for Star Raiders, etc).
  • Added CompuMate bankswitching/controller support to the emulation core; the Spectravideo CompuMate ROMs (NTSC and PAL) now work. Frequently used keys on the CompuMate are directly mapped to your keyboard (ie, Func-Space for backspace is mapped to Backspace, etc). Loading/saving from the cassette player is not yet supported, and will come in a future release.
  • Fixed bug in BoosterGrip controller emulation; the functionality of the booster and trigger buttons was reversed. Related to this, renamed these actions in the Event Mapping dialog to be more clear.
  • Reverted to SDL 1.2.14 for the Windows 98/2k release, since SDL 1.2.15 isn't supported in that environment.
  • Updated included PNG library to latest stable version.

Have Fun!"

Bon normalement pas de quoi fouetter le premier matou qui passe, à moins que vous ne soyez adepte des 2600-daptors devices ...

sur la meme conculsion que les autheurs je vous souhaite un "have foune" :)

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